Sunday, July 16, 2017

TSP Daily charts as of 7/15/2017

Just a little talk about retirement and what’s been happening. A lot of my peers will retire very soon or will in the next few years. We all wonder how things works, so as the pieces fall into place for me, I will post them here. I just received my last working paycheck. The pay period that I got credit for was only 40 hours. Yes, I was on leave. Did I earn any vacation or sick leave for 40 hours of work pay? No! So if you are doing your math to end up with a zero leave balance for sick or annual leave, remember that. You do not earn leave for half or partial weeks. You must work 80 to earn leave. Just so you know, I ended up with a perfect zero balance for sick leave. Those that know about our sign in system for requesting leave, looking at working shifts and sign in, is called WMT. I was closed out the exact day I retired. If you need to know something, get it before the last day. I just checked it out for fun. As I trasition from working emplyoee to retired employee, I will post the events. 
I now officially have crossed that line in the sand where I have ZERO new money going into my retirement account or TSP. Scary times indeed. Will I stay invested and ride the monthly moves. Yes. As of today, I am 100% invested as a 20 year old. Meaning? I have 100% of my money in high risk C, S, and I. I will ride the monthly moves in my retirement as I did when I worked. This is the only thing I know and it’s the only way I know to keep my money growing for my future needs. I chose not take a monthly withdrawel nor did I take a 1 time withdrawel. I left my TSP in the TSP and with the website. Warning if you do not know. If you move your TSP into a TD Ameritrade or that type of account and away from the organization, you will lose you ATC early retriement rules and will have to pay 10% penalty on any monies you withdrawl to spend. That’s all I’ve got for the moment. 
TSP is rolling again. Record highs on 2 indexes and record highs for my account. Keep it coming please!
The S&P 500 hit all time high Friday. Volatility is also very very low. The red line in the volatility area is where the normal market lows are located. Anythng below the red is incrediblely low. Low is good because we will not get big market swings. DMI is turning positive. This little bull flag beakout is good for us and good for our accounts. Everything is on cruise control at the moment and we just ride the wave. 
The Small Cap also followed along with the S&P and set an all time high Friday. DMI is also turning positive. We are also on cruise control here and we just watch and ride. 
The International index has been in a fairly long bull flag setup. Sell warnings 1 and 2 had been fired recently and it kind of indicated that maybe a trend change was on the horizon. Wednesday market move changed that with a nice snap to the upside. Thursday and Friday the upside move continues and proved to be a bull flag breakout. So there is what we call a measured move on a bull flag breakout. Without going into the details, I’ll just give you the numbers. Breakout of the bull flag was $65.50. Measured move is $5.89. Add those two numbers together, $71.39. Closing price Friday was $66.32. That means we are looking at a possible 7.6% measured move to the upside before we should expect a pause. Volatility is low and DMI is turning positive. Next week I expect that the International should take out it’s recents highs. We still have a bit to go before we start making all time highs with the International Index. $70.79 is the all time high and $69.41 is the all time closing high. 
Bonds look to making a recovery to the up side. Only time is going to tell if this is a head fake or not. Price did close above the green buy CBL line. Price also closed right on top of the 50 day ma. We could get a daily buy signal Monday. Confirmation would be Tuesday. Volatility is low and the DMI is very mixed. Bonds are a watch.
Conclusion: I was a little surprised by the all times being set this week. The International is poised to make a nice run to all times highs if the bull flag breakout rules hold up. Riding these upside waves are awesome. Let’s hope the good times roll many more months to come. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your retirement. I retired end of 2015 and am totally loving not working. One interesting thing was that even though I no longer had access to employee express, I remembered my W2 password, and was able to import figures for tax year 2016 into turbotax (my last few paychecks, annual leave payment were in 2016).
