Sunday, July 2, 2017

TSP monthly moves with a twist!

Normlly my monthly are black and white and pretty easy to follow. But this time around, we have to make a decision based on one penny. So for myself, I’m making an except but with rules to follow. Let’s take a look at the difficult decision to make first because the remaining decisions are simple. 
Bonds closing price for the month of June was $109.51. The 10 period ma closed at $109.52. So by the letter of the law, Bonds or the F-fund is a sell. Even I have to scratch my head and say, “What the hell?” Daily and Weekly charts are still a buy. So what I’m going to do for Bonds is give it a few more days of movement before I actually bail out. I am now going to show you the daily chart and show what to look for a sell. 
Lot’s of negative now on the chart above and I could spend a lot of time confusing the heck out of you or just give you a plan. Price is currently closing in on the CBL, 50 day moving average, and the intermediate uptrend line. Just a few more pennies down and we will have all the sell signals anyone would need. So starting Monday, I will watch the closing price daily and if bonds fall below $109.35 and stays there, I will sell out. I will also post that move inorder for all to know. Bailing out of bonds Monday because of the monthly move signal is also a good move. I just can’t make that call on 1 cent. I marked the sell zone on the daily cahrt above. So once again, if we get a close in that box, $109.35 or lower, and the next day by 11:30am it doesn’t crawl back above that point, I will sell out of bonds. I will post the night before when this is going to happen. 
For now, Bonds are a Hold. 
Conclusion: I will stay 25% C-S-I-F. You now know after reading and looking at all above that they could change if Bonds daily chart fails to $109.35 or lower. If that happens, I will sell out and eqaully move my money to the C-S-I. 

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