Monday, July 31, 2017

TSP end of month moves and numbers for July 2017

Bonds have joined the Monthly buy club. Now it is up to you if you want to add a little conservative fund into your mix. I will remain unchanged this month and have decided to leave my mix as is. As far as my PIP goes, I expect that for the first time in a long time it will go down. I earned 1.92% for July 2017, which is awesome. Last year, I earned 3.39% for July 2016 which was spectacular but hard to repeat. 
What did the markets do August 2016? They were basically flat but still had a small gain. Since I’m not greedy and only hate taking losses, any gain is approved by me. Last August I earned .3% which is equivalent to 3.6% a year if paid every month. I’ll still take it over any loss. 

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