Friday, December 8, 2017

TSP closing numbers as of 12/8/17

I am sitting in my hotel room in Charleston SC tonight and in the morning I leave on a 7 days cruise. 3 stops in the Bahamas and back. So this could be my last post until the 17th or 18th of December. This week, we reached our lows on Wednesday and then had a nice recovery Thrusday and Friday. I ended the week positive and shaved almost 1% off my losses for the month of December. I’m hoping that while I am enjoying the cruise, warmth, sun, and the islands, my TSP will work hard for me and put back into positive territory for the month. I hope all of you stay warm and snow free while I am gone. Hold the line no matter what till the end of the month. Be brave and do not let news and drama affecting your investing. 

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